We are proud to be building a community of female athletes, of all sizes, shapes and colors.
3x Worlds Strongest Woman
u73kg 🏆🏆
u82kg 🏆
Arnold Strongwoman Classic athlete
MW and HW pro
HERCALES HOLD: God of strength.
Back once again by popular demand is your favorite Hercales Hold. Athletes will attempt to hold 2 pillars for as long as possible. Weight in the matrix is per hand.
Prior to the go command, athletes will let their side volunteers and judge know when they believe they have a solid foundation with their feet and the handles in their hands as securly as possibly. Once the side volunteers let go of the pillars, it is possible this will cause the athlete to pull to one side and possibly loosing their footing. It is impossible to release the pillars simultaneously because of the humans letting go at different times. If the athletes footing is lost immediately upon the release of the pillars, the athlete will be allowed to regain their footing. This recovery must be done within the first few seconds or the time will stop. Time will stop when the athlete lets go of one or both pillars. Time will also stop if the athlete loosing footing and one foot comes off the platform (not within the first few seconds of pillars being released) or if the athlete pulls a pillar back inward to the original upright starting position. It is highly recommend that if the athlete feels off balance and unable to control the pillars to let go to avoid injury.
YES: Belts (soft, hard, under or outer), chalk, wrist straps, elbow sleeves or wraps, knee sleeves or wraps, dresses or togas
NO: Straps of any kind, bare feet, tacky
CARRY DOWN TO HADES: Hades the underworld – carry those farmers all the way down to the underworld 50’ from the start.
Athlete will start with their hands off the farmers handles. On the go command, athlete will pick up the farmers and carry it 50’ as fast as possible. Athlete will have 60 seconds to take the implement the entire 50’. Athlete must cross the 50‘ line with the entire implement for time to stop. No drops allowed. If the athlete drops the implement before crossing the 50’ line, time will stop and they will get credit for distance. The weights in the matrix are per hand.
YES: Belts (soft, hard, under or outer.), chalk, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves or wraps, knees sleeves or wraps.
NO: Tacky or straps
PRESS TO OLYMPUS: Mount Olympus – home of the Goddess and a place of perfect weather and beauty.
Athlete will start with their hands off the axle . On the go command, athlete will clean the axle from the ground and press it overhead as many times as possible in 60 seconds. Athlete does not need to clean every rep. Athlete may use any type of press they like (viper, split jerk, push jerk or push press). If a split jerk is used, athlete must bring both legs together before getting the down command. In order to get the down command from the judge, athlete must have implement locked out over head, both feet together, knees and elbows locked out and head through. Athlete must show control over the implement before getting the down command. If judge has not given the down command before athlete brings it down, the rep will not count. When time is called, the athlete is done. If the athlete is in motion of completing a rep when time is called, the rep will not count unless it is fully locked out. It must be finished before time is called. Athlete must set implement down in a controlled manner after time is called. If athlete drops the implement from overhead, athlete will receive a 1 point deduction from their total reps for this event. Athlete may not utilize their head in any way to assist with the press nor can the implement rest on the athletes head prior to pressing. Athlete may rest the axle on their belt for a few seconds (no more than 5) on the clean. If athlete has any shoulder mobility issues which prevents them from a solid lock out that is expected, the issue must be shown to the judge during warm ups. It is the athletes responsibility to ask the judges to watch you during warm ups to see your deficiency in shoulder mobility. Once your division is up, you can longer show the judge any mobility issues.
YES: Belts (soft, hard, under or outer. Buckles and levers must be worn towards the back), wrist wraps, elbow sleeves or wraps, knee sleeves or wraps, grip shirt, chalk
NO: Tacky, straps
NEMESIS LOAD: Goddess Nemesis is the daughter of Nyx. Nemesis was also called Adrasteia meaning one from whom there is no escape which each athlete will not be able to do until this event is finished
Athlete will start behind the starting line. On the go command, athlete will pick the sandbag at the starting line and load it. Athlete will then make their way to the 25’ line, pick up the sandbag and take it back to the start where they will load it. Athlete will continue to do the same thing at the 50’ mark. Once all 3 sandbags are loaded, the athlete will pull the implement with loaded items 50’ backwards until the entire implement is across the 50’ line. Time will stop once the entire implement is across the 50’ mark. Athlete will get points for feet accomplished if they do not finish the entire event. If an athlete is only able to load the bag on the starting line, you will get credit for 1’ as this event is scored based on distance/time.
YES: Belts (soft, hard, under or outer), wrist straps, elbow straps or wraps, knee wrap or straps, grip shirt
NO: Tacky, straps, chalk
BIA: Goddess Bia personifies force and power which each athlete is going to need for this final event of the day.
Athletes will be start with their hands off the bar. On the go command, athlete will have 30 seconds to deadlift the weight and get a down command. If strapping in, athlete must do it on their own time during the 30 second time limit allowed for each athlete to complete the lift. Athlete must demonstrate a full locked out position to the judge (knees locked out, hips forward and control of the bar at the top). These attachments will be on a power bar (or stiff bar) but still causes sway at the top. You must have a full lock out and control of the sway to get the down command. If the athlete does not have a full lock out and puts the bar down or drops it (penalty for dropping so continue to read) before the down command, the lift will not count. The athlete may use the entire 30 seconds to get a good lift. Lift must be completed and a down command must be given before time is called or the lift will not count. If the athlete is in the process of lifting at any point when time is called and not locked out, the lift will not count. Athlete must set the bar back down to the ground and not dropped from the top. If the bar is dropped, athlete will receive a zero for the event and this event is over for them. Lifting will be done by divisions. Athlete must take every lift in their division until only one woman is left standing. Because of the height of the implement, shorter athletes may need to stand on additional mats in order to be able to get a full lock out with the weights actually leaving the ground. If an athlete is at a full lock out and the weight did not leave the ground, they will be allowed to attempt the lift again standing on mats. They will go to the back of the line of athletes left to lift the weight currently on the bar. If there isn’t anyone left, the will have a 60 second rest period before attempting it again. During warm ups, it is recommended that you make note to your expeditor that you will need mats and at what approximate weight. Weight will increase by 20#s each lift except for teens. Teens will increase by 10# each lift or as she chooses as there is a single athlete in this division. This may be subject to change on the day of the event in the interest of time. When a division gets down to 2 athletes, they may collectively choose to increase the weights by more than 20#. Both athletes must be in agreement. As the number on the bar gets heavier and the number of athletes making attempts gets smaller, the rest time between each lift will decrease. We will not have a specific rest time between lifts for athletes unless there is a single person in the division. If there is a single person in the division, they will get 60 second rest time between lifts after the weight on the bar has changed. Once an athlete is done lifting, the next athlete needs to immediately step up to the bar and lift unless there is a weight change on the bar. Once there is a single athlete left in each division and they have been declared last woman standing, they can elect to do one more lift if they want to go for a PR or just for fun but the lift will not count for scoring purposes. If an athlete elects do so this, they will have a 60 second timed rest period after the bar has been loaded to their weight selection. This extra lift does not need to be in 20# increments. Athlete will be allowed to select any number that is greater than the current number on the bar. Hitching is allowed. Sumo is not. Traditional deadlift stance with hands outside of the knees at all times is required.
YES: Belts (soft, hard, under or outer), chalk, mixed grip, bare feet, socks, straps, knee sleeves or wraps, elbow sleeves or wraps, deadlift suits, briefs
NO: Tacky